
Anorak News | Raoul Moat Knew PC David Rathband: Pictures

Raoul Moat Knew PC David Rathband: Pictures

by | 15th, July 2010

IT turns out that PC David Rathband might not have been a random target for Raoul Moat. David Rathband, blinded in both eyes by Moat, nicked the killer a year ago over a “dodgy van”.

Detective Chief Superintendent Neil Adamson said “he believed the attack on PC Rathband was random”.

Why did he believe that? Why did he not stick to the facts?

Once more the police look less than certain. Raoul Moat is dead. The moments leading up to his death have not been made public – did the Taser blasts cause him to shoot himself in the head?

Paul Gascoigne’s Radio Appeal To Raoul Moat: Audio And Pictures

The Prime Minister does not like the Facebook site lionising Raoul Moat. He want is shut down. But if the facts are presented to us, we can each of us come to out own conclusions…


Image 4 of 47

A card left among the tributes at the scene where Raoul Moat held police officers at bay during the six-hour siege in Rothbury, Northumberland.

Posted: 15th, July 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink