
Anorak News | Carole Malone Says Raoul Moat Facebook ‘Fans’ Will ‘Die In Agony’

Carole Malone Says Raoul Moat Facebook ‘Fans’ Will ‘Die In Agony’

by | 17th, July 2010

CAROLE Malone is ranting about Siobhan O’Dowd, the social media guru who created a popular Facebook tribute page to “SupermanRaoul Moat that got everyone from a beaming tabloid hack, through female vigilantes to the Prime Minister talking. She wants shooting!

Says Malone:

Siobhan O’Dowd, the sicko single mum who launched her Facebook page “RIP Raoul Moat – You Legend” has a twisted sense of humour – along with the 38,000 other sickos who are members of her group.”

Carole has not read the group, it seems. Journalists don’t need to do research – they just react. She fails to realise that many of those so-called Moat Maniacs thought Moat was a twat and that O’Dowd wants shooting.

But the best bit about Malone’s column is not that it could have been written better by any of them, but that Malone ends with this gem:

What Raoul Moat did was sickening. But what it’s revealed about the underbelly of this country is even worse. Because we now know we live among savages who hate women, who want to see them and others hurt, who relish the idea of lawlessness and who are positively joyful when people die in agony. Until of course – it happens to them. And it will.

Not that Carole ‘Voice Of the Reaple’ Malone revels in violence, you understand…


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Tributes left at Riverside park, Rothbury, Northumberland. Raoul Moat took his own life during a six-hour stand off with police in Rothbury on Friday.

Posted: 17th, July 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink