
Anorak News | Katie Price Gives Full Throat To Furious Essex ‘Sex Show’ – And More Facts

Katie Price Gives Full Throat To Furious Essex ‘Sex Show’ – And More Facts

by | 19th, July 2010

KATIE Price has been hurt by a “HATE MOB”. You can read about their “FURY” as Jordan puts on a “SEX SHOW”.

Katie is a mum-of-three. If she wants to put on a 2sex show”, then it is her right. It is a sorry pass when a British woman or man cannot put on a sex show where they want, with whom they want and where they want.

This is Katie Price’s “disastrous public appearance”, says the Star – the one that scored her another front page on the, er, Star.

To Mayhem club, Essex:

The shameless model cavorted with cage-fighter husband Alex Reid, grabbing him by the throat and simulating obscene sex acts in a packed nightclub. Security had to hold back the angry audience as they cried out “Slut!” and chanted her 37-year-old ex-husband Peter Andre’s name while trying to grab her.

They didn’t come to see this! They can stay at home and watch Katie having sex for free on the internet.

One clubber at Mayhem in Southend, Essex, said: “It was a complete shambles. She couldn’t even get the miming right and things were made worse as the CD kept jumping. Talk about feeling short-changed. We expected her to sing, not mime badly.”

So. The hate mob had paid to see Katie Price sing Free To Love Again. They were her fans. And as for miming, well, that’s pretty much what she does. As she told GMTV earlier: “I’m not a singer – this is just for fun.”

Says Katie Price to the fury:

“I don’t give a f***. I love the boos.”

Had only she sang live:

Then Kate took to the DJ stand and hijacked the club’s karaoke system. She was booed again as she murdered a string of songs including her own.

In other Daily Star news, no-one is interested in Katie Price…


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Katie Price arrives back at Gatwick airport with her daughter Princess Tiamii, tonight.

Posted: 19th, July 2010 | In: Celebrities Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink