
Anorak News | Jedward’s Dublin Pictures And Emma Amelia Pearl Czikai’s BGT Lament

Jedward’s Dublin Pictures And Emma Amelia Pearl Czikai’s BGT Lament

by | 23rd, July 2010

WE caught up with Jedward in Dublin. John And Edward Grimes – the stars that epitomise all that is right and proper with the X Factor and such talent shows -were at a CD signing. John and Edward are exactly what UK showbiz deserves and demands. On the same day, Britain’s Got Talent’s Emma Amelia Pearl Czikai was talking about suing the show’s judges.

Ms Czikai, from Sutton Coldfield, near Birmingham, says he was not feleign well when she came to sing. She was buzzed off. She told us:

“I do have the ability to move people. People have cried when they have heard me sing.”

She calls the show “backdoor modern slavery“, guilty of “modern-day barbarism” and acts of “atrocity” against wannabe stars. The show’s layers say not so. And Jedward play on, setting out to prove that if you set people up for fall, you might gets squashed…


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Posted: 23rd, July 2010 | In: TV & Radio Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink