
Anorak News | Raoul Moat Ate My Chinchilla And Sam Stobbart’s Rape: Pictures

Raoul Moat Ate My Chinchilla And Sam Stobbart’s Rape: Pictures

by | 25th, July 2010

RAOUL Moat raped Sam stobbart and killed a pet chinchilla. If anything is going to show the British just what nutter Moat was it is the death of a rodent. Coppers can be blinded. Lovers can be killed. Women can be raped. But if a pet is harmed then Moat must pay!

The Mirror beings us more news from the life and times of Moat’s ex-lover Marissa Reid.

Moat shot his ex-lover Sam Stobbart in an apparent bit to murder her. Moat’s uncle says she has “blood on her hands”. But because the NoTW got her first with the chequebook, the Mirror has been left with extracting gory details of Moat’s life with Reid.

She wasn’t shot. But she might have been, eh, readers. And once one of his pet snakes ate Reid’s chinchilla. Or as we are told:

One killed the pet chinchilla of then- girlfriend Marissa, 32. But rather than tell her, Moat put the animal back in its cage for Marissa to discover it dead four days later.

No. It’s not schoolboy behaviour. He didn’t get a goldfish that looked like the dead one and replace it in the hope no-one noticed his error. This is the work of a deranged killer. The nutter! A source adds:

He also used to breed husky dogs –I think he just liked anything that was really powerful, because he felt they were like him.”

And what are huskies but hairier pitbulls? Not for nothing are huskies known as the Devil Dogs of the Arctic.

With the Mirror adding details to a story of a thug who murdered a man and was made into a sensation and folk hero by a voracious media, Sam Stobbatt is still chatting to the NoTW, who bought her story:

Sam Stobbart, the ex-lover of crazed gun killer Raoul Moat, trembled with terror as she relived the chilling night the brutal bouncer RAPED her in her own home.

Raoul Moat Fanclub Creator Is Single Mum – Wants Shooting (Pictures)


“It was between 10 and 12pm. It was dark. Chanel was in bed. I’d stayed up to do the housework. Raoul rang the bell, and knocked. I knew his knock. He would always do the same knock. I knew it was him and I let him in. I know people will say ‘Why did you do that?’ But I was scared of him. He could pick me up with one hand, no effort. He was a madman. An unstoppable force.”

Although he had to get pass the door. Unstoppable Moat used the bell approach:

“You couldn’t say no to Raoul. He always got what he wanted. We had an argument in the living room. We were arguing about nothing, but he got wound up. He WANTED to row with me.

“He slapped me across the face. I was crying, holding my face and sobbing for ages. He was talking about prison. He was angry, going ballistic. I remember I was wearing my comfy trackie bottoms and a T-shirt. Nothing glamorous. Then he snapped.”

Nothing glamorous..? Because if it had been a party dress it might in some way excuse a rape?

Paul Gascoigne’s Radio Appeal To Raoul Moat: Audio And Pictures

“He didn’t ask me for sex, he just pushed me on to the sofa and pulled my clothes off, all my clothes. I was trying to stop him. But you couldn’t stop Raoul. He was massive. I was helpless. I’m less than eight stone. I was crying my eyes out and shouting at him to stop. But he pinned me down so I couldn’t move, forced himself on me and raped me. I don’t know how long it lasted. It seemed for ever. It was an evil thing to do. He was savage about it…

“And, just like the night he shot me three weeks ago, he had no expression on his face. He was emotionless.”

She adds:

“I hate him with all my heart.”

On Moat’s family’s call for a second post-mortem, Sam tells us:

“I hope they cut him into a thousand pieces.”

Eat yer heart out, William Wallace. Everyone gets a piece of Moat.

The Best Of RIP Raoul Moat You Legend: Facebook Moatmaniacs Turn On Their Man

Sam talks more of the violence she endured. she says she was slapped lots. Once Moat – the 19 stone brute – “stamped” on her pregnant stomach.

“I was pregnant with Chanel at the time so he almost ended her life before it had started.”

Amazing that it didn’t, given his size and the force of a stamp.

“If we were in a pub and a man looked at me in an admiring way, Raoul would go mental. He’d drag him into the toilets and smash him in the face. He did that about 30 times. And if Raoul didn’t do it himself he’d send one of his friends over to beat the guy up.”

How many men fancied Sam Moat?

He kept saying, ‘You’re my trophy girlfriend – a young fit blonde.’ “

And in conclusion:

“He was no hero – just a brutal woman batterer, killer and rapist. I know. He raped me.”

And if that doesn’t make you think Roaul Maot was a bouncer not to be admired – as Britain must honours its fallen doormen – spare a few second to think of the chinchilla…


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Armed Police on the roundabout at the junction of the A1 and A69 in Newcastle where a police officer was shot earlier today.

Posted: 25th, July 2010 | In: Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink