
Anorak News | When Tiger Woods’ Porno Shag Devon James Met Dustin Diamond: Sodom Revisited

When Tiger Woods’ Porno Shag Devon James Met Dustin Diamond: Sodom Revisited

by | 29th, July 2010

JUST when you thought things couldn’t get worse for Saved by the Bell flunky Dustin “Screech” Diamond, the loser manages to go another notch lower on the ladder that is life-after-fame, writes Anorak’s Man in LA.

When legitimate producers stopped calling, his homemade porn tape bombed and his tell-all book didn’t top the Times bestseller list, he had to do something to keep his name out there.

That “something” turns out to be an evening as the “special referee” at something called the Celebrity “Big Bang” Wrestling match tonight in Philadelphia.

But lest you think Dustin’s the star of this live event, you should know who’s on the card for the event.

In one corner… Susan Finkelstein, the Phillies fan who got busted for trying to turn tricks in exchange for World Series tickets.

In the other… one of Tiger Woods’ tricks, Devon James.

It’s a trifecta of tits, ass and idiocy… and tickets are only $20!


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Devon James

Posted: 29th, July 2010 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink