
Anorak News | Sex Education Teacher Gave Teenaged Student Herpes

Sex Education Teacher Gave Teenaged Student Herpes

by | 31st, July 2010

DAVID Robinson is the 41-year-old sex education teacher who gave one of his teenaged students herpes.

At Hereford Crown Court, Robinson is found guilty of five counts of sexual activity with a child.

His crimes only came to light when she dumped the teacher after he talked about starting an escort agency. She called the police.

Robinson, a father of two, met the teenager as they played badminton together at Chase School in Malvern, Worcs. Robinson executed an illegal stroke when he slapped her bottom and told her she was “beautiful”.

He then bought her some alcohol in the Cross Keys pub before he invited her and a few of her pals back to his house. Fast forward a short while, and at age 16 and she moves in with him.

And then, yer honour, the best piece of evidence so far, perhaps a sign that Mr Robinson is mentally negligible: he and she got matching tattoos of the numbers 25 11 06 – the date of their first fumble when the girl was 15.

But Robinson, who earned £45,000 a year teaching Social Sciences and Sex Education, gave his lover another lasting gift in the form of a dose of herpes in March 2007.

In other sex education news, let’s examine sir’s reasons for teaching the subject beneath a microscope…


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