
Anorak News | Jon Venables: Scared Of Piegons And Shagging A Big Brother Star

Jon Venables: Scared Of Piegons And Shagging A Big Brother Star

by | 1st, August 2010

JON Venables: Sentenced to two years jail for child porn offences, one of James Bulger’s killers remains in the news: pigeons, moths, Big Brother and child abuse…

Justin Penrose has news of Jon Venables:

Child killer Jon Venables is refusing to use his prison exercise yard because he is terrified of pigeons…

And there are more facts from the quill of Penrose of the Prison Yard:

Venables was “jailed for two years a week ago for possessing and distributing child porn”…

Had only he stuck to that non-disturbing porn. and more news on the tabloids’ favourite paedo killer?

“Recently a moth got into his cell and he freaked out”

Jon Venables Is Watching Big Brother

The Daily Star informs its readers:


A “source” says Venables wants to be contestant on the show.

He thinks he’s a bit of a Casanova and regularly boasts about the women he’s been with. “He says Rachel is a typical Liverpudlian girl and he would know how to get into her pants.”

Rachel IFon is 29.

Can We Broadcast His Prison Life On CCTV TV?

Venables has already demonstrated that he is a threat to the community. We don’t need psychiatrists or any other kind of so-called mind doctors to tell us that. He committed a shocking crime and, instead of making an attempt to change, has taken up child porn for a hobby.

Blame the Internet

It’s easy to see where future predicting technology could be useful. Take the case of Jon Venables, convicted of the murder of Jamie Bulger and now for possessing child pornography. His interest progressed from vanilla porn until he broke what he called the “last taboo”. If his searches and online behaviour had been monitored, might the police not have been able to trace this progress and nip it in the bud?

Blame The Parents

To think that these boys who committed this murder at 10 have no chance of redemption in our society makes me feel very sad and shows that the effects of child abuse in the household are not understood. We can and should lay most of the blame on parents who neglect their duty to teach children love, empathy and respect.

Jon Venables and the Murder of James Bulger:


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Denise Bulger hangs her head as her husband Ralph (right) carries the coffin of their two-year-old son James from the Sacred Heart church in Kirkby.

Posted: 1st, August 2010 | In: Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink