
Anorak News | Jon Venables ‘Reunites’ With Robert Thompson In Tabloid Fantasy

Jon Venables ‘Reunites’ With Robert Thompson In Tabloid Fantasy

by | 1st, August 2010

JON Venables: Anorak reader MB directs us to Jon Venables story we missed. The People’s Nick Dorman delivers the news that Jon Venables “wants to be reunited with killer pal Robert Thompson”.

Venables and Thompson lilled James Bulger when they were age ten and their victim was 2. As we are told:

Evil Jon Venables is desperate to be reunited with his child killer pal Robert Thompson when freed from prison.

Well, so a source says. But the punctuation is such that it’s hard to see where what Venables is alleged to have said ends and what Dorman says begins:

Venables moaned: Losing Thommo as my mate has been a massive punishment in itself.

Note the lack of quotation marks. Then this:

Anyone would struggle if they were banned from seeing a guy who was their best mate as a kid.

Would they. Do Osama bin Laden’s childhood playmates miss him? Do you miss yours so much that life is a struggle without them?

Says Dorman:

There is no suggestion Thompson wants to see Venables.

But there is a suggestion that Venables wants to see Thompson. Although who suggests he does is unclear…


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Denise Bulger, mother of James Bulger the 2-year-old boy who went missing in the bootle area of Liverpool, breaks down at a police press conference in Liverpool.

Posted: 1st, August 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink