
Anorak News | Girl Guides Demand Photoshopped-Images Labelling Law: Bunty Burqa Magazine Out Now

Girl Guides Demand Photoshopped-Images Labelling Law: Bunty Burqa Magazine Out Now

by | 4th, August 2010

THE Girl Guides say that airbrushed and photoshopped celebrity photos place “damaging and unrealistic pressureson young women. Such pictures should be labelled with health warning, they argue, to avoid the ladies vying for “unobtainable ideals”.

At a camp in West Yorkshire, around 20,000 Guides are being asked to sign a petition calling for David Cameron to introduce a law forcing magazines to inform readers when photographs have been airbrushed. Other than Readers’ Wives and Motorhome Now, all other magazines will come with picture of a sobbing child and the words:


Anorak would go further and seek indentifying marks for tanning products, hair extensions, make-up, depilation and sprays. Given the editorial time spent on identifying all that, publisher will give up and the Bunty Burqa Annual will be on every girl’s Christmas shopping list.

We’ve compiled a look at how Girl Guides used to look and how they look now. The old gels were thick–wristed and ready for action. The modern Guides have badges for “chocolate” and “confectioner”. Anorak supposes these new badges were dreamt up by the bigger girls to level the playing field. Badges for cake and icing but none for slimming and tanning. Just who is running the Girl Guides and are they out of touch with the demands of modern life as reflected in magazines..?


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Posted: 4th, August 2010 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink