
Anorak News | Naomi Campbell’s ‘Dirty Looking Stones’ In Pictures

Naomi Campbell’s ‘Dirty Looking Stones’ In Pictures

by | 5th, August 2010

NAOMI Campbell says she was given a “Gift Of Dirty-Looking Stones”.

If approached by a dirty looking Stone it is advisable to shag him…

At a war crimes trial in the Hague – in teh dock one Charles Taylor – Campbell says:

“When I was sleeping I had a knock at my door and I opened my door and two men were there and gave me a pouch and said: ‘A gift for you’. I saw a few stones in there. Very small, dirty-looking stones. There was no explanation, no note.”

She also said:

“I don’t want to be here. I was made to be here…This is an inconvenience to me. I don’t want my family in danger in any way.”

And besides her nails need doing…


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3-year-old Mamun Mansaray, at a refugee camp for amputee victims of the Sierra Leone war, awaits the arrival at the camp of Foreign Secretary Robin Cook.

Posted: 5th, August 2010 | In: Celebrities Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink