
Anorak News | Stephen Griffiths Is Back In the News

Stephen Griffiths Is Back In the News

by | 11th, August 2010

WHAT news of Stephen Griffiths, whose, allegedly, murderous quest for fame was stymied by the lunacy of Derrick Bird and Raoul Moat? This was to be a summer of dead prostitutes, woman allegedly killed by Griffiths who worked in vice in and around Bradford. Journalists would give us lurid tales of dirty sex, death and more dirty sex.

Well, Suzanne Blamires has been laid to rest. It was the discovery of her remains in the River Aire at Shipley, near Bradford, that led to Griffiths being charged with her murder, as well as those of Shelley Armitage and Susan Rushworth.

How do media lead with the burial of a murdered woman? Let’s look at the headlines:

Mourners pay tribute to murdered Bradford sex worker

Friends and family say farewell to alleged victim of murder accused Stephen Griffiths – Telegraph & Argus

Funeral for crossbow death woman – Mirror

The Mirror ignores the woman for the sensation:

The funeral of a prostitute who was murdered with a crossbow by an alleged serial killer is due to take place.

Funeral for Bradford woman Suzanne Blamires – BBC

Shelley-Marie Armitage has also been laid to rest:


Remains of murder victim vice girl buried in child’s coffin – Mail

Griffiths is back in the news. If it bleeds it leads…


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Shelly Armitage

Posted: 11th, August 2010 | In: Reviews Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink