
Anorak News | Cheryl Cole’s Anti-Malaria Crusade And Tick For Ashley

Cheryl Cole’s Anti-Malaria Crusade And Tick For Ashley

by | 14th, August 2010

CHERYL Cole is heading back to Africa on a Malaria “CRUSADE”. As Britons bask in the rain and dodge wasps, the Mirror reminds us that Africa is worse off. But African can be saved.

Cheryl Cole has “survived malaria”. And now she is on a “CRUSADE”.

Saintly Cheryl has declared holy war on godless mosquitoes.

Cheryl Cole And Ashley’s Marriage (in photos)

And so it is that a married woman who went on a jolly with her alleged lover
will save Africa from the disease with a missionary zeal. (OK – grandstanding is all well and good if lives are improved.)

She will go to Uganda just as soon as the X Factor telly show is finished.

So much for the mosquito. But what celebrity will stand up for the misunderstood creature whose lot it is to carry the eukaryotic protest bug? Perhaps H from Steps or Euan Blair?

Ashley Cole’s Women (Alleged)

And what about the tick? You know… What about Ashley Cole?

On the cover of The People, Cheryl says, “I feel guilty that Ashley is hated.”

Even mosquitoes shun him…


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Posted: 14th, August 2010 | In: Celebrities Comments (9) | TrackBack | Permalink