
Anorak News | Lady GaGa Makes 11 Million Teenagers Go ‘Blind’ In 24 Hours Says BBC

Lady GaGa Makes 11 Million Teenagers Go ‘Blind’ In 24 Hours Says BBC

by | 16th, August 2010

LADY GAGA can make you go blind. No, not like that. Lady GaGa is immune to the sticky fingers of most ruby dreams. This story is about contact lenses that make your eyes look bigger, such as those worn by Lady GaGa on a video for Bad Romance?

Well, so says the BBC, but reading on we are told:

In the video, the singer’s eyes have been digitally altered to make them look bigger and bolder.

So. Lady GaGa doesn’t wear the contact lenses. The story has nothing to do with Lady GaGa, then?

But let’s take look at the lens that “several companies making contact lenses in Asia claim to have achieved the same wide eyed look.

The product, known as ‘circle lenses’, covers part of the white area in the eyes to make the pupil look larger.”

If you’re a rabbit, you can achieve the same effect by sticking a finger in your eye, preferable first dipped in chilli powder. And red eyes are in vogue:

The lenses come in a variety of colours including bright pink and red and cost around $20 (£13).

The BBC’s Sima Kotecha says these lenses have not yet been approved for sale in the US but “teenage girls have been buying them from countries like South Korea and Japan, where they’re sold freely”.

Kotecha gives not a single example of anyone hurt by these lenses. She just tells us that “American teenagers are risking their eyesight”.

Lady Gaga – Before She Was Famous

She then tells us:

A YouTube video on how to get the Bad Romance look has had more than 11 million hits.

So many potential victims! But Lady GaGa used digital manipulation. We wonder how many people watched the video while sitting too close to the monitor. Your eyes can go square, or oblong if you have a wide-screen. Hey, Sima, there’s your next scoop.

Having created a celebrity scare story, Kotecha speaks with a Chantal George, 19, from Pennsylvania, who has been wearing the lenses for almost two years. Having told us of the dire consequences of wearing the lenses – a medic is provided to say you can go blind in 24 hours (but there is no cited case of this happening to anyone wearing these lenses) – we get an advertorial from the teen:

“As of now, I have 15 pairs. It’s like wearing a new shade of make-up, or a new outfit. I feel like I’m popping in terms of my look for the day…

“I say these are like any other contact lenses. They need to have care taken of them, they need not to be worn too often or for too long.”

So. The message is that these lenses are really cool and teenagers are wearing them sensibly. Also Lady Gaga doesn’t wear them – but she might. And that is something we all need to think about…

A Video Of Someone Having Glasses Tattooed On His Face

Prisoners Tattoo Whites Of Eyes Red And Navy Blue: Video


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Posted: 16th, August 2010 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink