
Anorak News | Operation Razorback Lets The Pigs Loose On Notting Hill Gangsters

Operation Razorback Lets The Pigs Loose On Notting Hill Gangsters

by | 18th, August 2010

IN readiness for the Notting Hill Carnival, the Metropolitan Police Force has been kicking people’s doors in.Tthe police want to show us how tough they are in photos.

It’s Operation Razorback – a razorback is a wild pig; who says the cops don’t have a sense of humour?  Officers fear crime gangs linked to drugs and violence could clash during the August Bank Holiday weekend extravaganza. Intelligence officials have been monitoring Facebook and Twitter where many thugs exchange threats in the run-up to the carnival. This is proactive policing.

Those arrests in numbers:

2006: 213
2007: 270
2008: 488
2009: 222

In 2010, the Operation has reaped 72 arrests since 2 August.

But does it work? Or does it just make anyone already bent on violence angrier. And, then, the majority of arrests are for drugs. Why not just legalise them – the experts say it makes sense. And don’t the police get bored of nicking the same faces for selling drugs to people who want them..?


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EDITORS NOTE FACE BLURRED BY PICTURE DESK Police prepare to raid a property as part of Operation Giants, London.

Posted: 18th, August 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink