
Anorak News | Huge Blue Cock Unveiled At Trafalgar Square

Huge Blue Cock Unveiled At Trafalgar Square

by | 19th, August 2010

WILL Katharina Fritsch’s Hahn/Cock occupy the Fourth Plinth on one corner of Trafalgar Square. Anorak says yes. and if it cabn light up and also offer kebab and sweet and sour pork balls, it will make the Square a true slice of British life.

Also in competition for the top spot are: Michael Elmgreen and Ingar Dragset’s Babysham, Brian Griffiths’s cake, Hew Locke’s hippy horse and Mariele Neudecker’s school project…

The Fourth Plinth Nudes: In Pictures


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Artists Michael Elmgreen (left), and Ingar Dragset, with their artwork Powerless Structures Fig.101, at the unveiling of six proposed designs for the Trafalgar Square showcase.

Posted: 19th, August 2010 | In: Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink