
Anorak News | Pete Doherty And The Libertines Serenade Amy Winehouse (In Photos)

Pete Doherty And The Libertines Serenade Amy Winehouse (In Photos)

by | 26th, August 2010

AMY Winehouse watched Pete Doherty and the Libertines perform at the Forum in Highgate, London, last night. She stood on the balcony as the band serenaded. It was a good show – Pete looked like a slim Pauline Quirke, Carl Barat played on and Amy pulled faces and beamed with the whitest teeth. Your snapper took photos. It was a fun night.

The Libertines foursome had appeared on stage to the sound of Vera Lynn’s We’ll Meet Again. At the end of the show, Doherty chucked his harmonica into the crowd. If you caught it, you might want to wait until you’re not operating a motor vehicle or machinery before putting it near your mouth…


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Amy Winehouse watches the Libertines perform on stage at the Forum in Highgate, London.

Posted: 26th, August 2010 | In: Music Comment | TrackBack | Permalink