
Anorak News | Jon Venables Dates Young Mum And Turns To Tom Cruise And Islam

Jon Venables Dates Young Mum And Turns To Tom Cruise And Islam

by | 1st, September 2010

THE good news is that Jon Venables,. One of James Bulger’s killers, is dating. He’s won’t need to embark on “seedy sex holidays across Europe” became as the Sun’s front page scream:


Venables, long a tabloid favourite, is doing his utmost to press all the right buttons. Having killed a two-year-old when he was ten, Venables has had his name linked with: paedophilia (he’s in jail for possessing child porn), drugs, football, Big Brother, Oasis, the World Cup, a fictional TV show, upskirt porn and, most unforgivably, being fat. Now he with a woman, and not just any woman but a “SINGLE MUM”.

And what are single mums but pariahs?

Tom wells tells us that: Venables is “said to have had a one-night stand with the mum when he was free.”

He then goes on to say:

She is in her 30s and has a young daughter. The woman, who cannot be named, has grown close to the murderer, 27, despite his taste for child porn…

And fiend Venables asked prison chiefs if his girlfriend could bring her young daughter when she visits him.

Make the link, readers. The whisper seems to be that this child is in danger.

Wells misses this from Venables’ court case:

We heard that in online chats, Venables said he was a 35-year-old married woman called Dawn who had abused her eight-year-old daughter. Dawn was offering to sell access to her child.

The Mirror reports:

Killer paedophile Jon Venables requested prison visit from girl, 4

Well, the child will not go alone. Mum goes too.

Back in the Sun, a source tells us:

“Apart from his mum and younger sister, this is the only significant female relationship Venables has. He finds it very comforting and loves writing her letters and speaking to her on the phone.”


He is utterly isolated. It is a miserable and lonely existence because he has to be kept away from other cons for his own safety. But he only has himself to blame.”

Can he be helped? In other news, the Star says Venables is swotting up on Scientology:


Well, no. Tom Savage is wrong. He delivers the facts:

“Venables is said to have copies of books by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard in his cell block”

Is there a copy of the Koran there too? If Venables can become Muslim – the same religion as Osama bin Laden – the tabloids will have ticked another box.

As ever a source is happy to talk:

“He can’t get enough of them. He believes every word of it and is increasingly into magic and aliens. He pretends to be conventionally religious and has a Bible as well, but when he speaks to warders about it he goes on about how God made aliens too. It’s not normal. But then he is not normal.”

Not normal to believe in aliens? As Gemma Wheatley reported in the Star:

The internet was buzzing with claims that the strange alien aircraft could even land after it appears over the American desert.

So many people reckon the rumour is true, bookies have stopped taking bets on the UFO prediction after an unprecedented rush.

Wonder how many of them killed a child..?


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Ralph and Denise Bulger, parents of murdered toddler James Bulger, with their five-month -old baby Michael as they deliver a petition containing 282,000 signatures to the Home Office, calling for their son's schoolboy killers to be kept behind bars for life.

Posted: 1st, September 2010 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink