
Anorak News | Charlie The Dead Smoking Chimp Presents The World’s Most Inappropriate Smokers In Pictures

Charlie The Dead Smoking Chimp Presents The World’s Most Inappropriate Smokers In Pictures

by | 7th, October 2010

CHARLIE the smoking chimp is dead. He was 52. Charlie started smoking when kindly people at Mangaung zoo, in Bloemfontein, South Africa, tossed lit ciggies at him. Charlie is just one inappropriate smoker. Anorak now brings you some more, featuring Winston Man, Barack Obama, Ardi Rizal and…

Never Trust A Vegan

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WINSTON Churchill has finally been defeated by the fascists. At the entrance to the The Winston Churchill’s Britain at War Experience on Londond’s Tooley Street a mural celebrating the wartime leader’s life and greatness shows his cigar airbrushed from history. Or was it airbrushed in? Might it be that Churchill never smoked and the wartime propaganda machine needed a way of making him look cool and not like Hitler? Look out for unaltered photos of a naturally skinny Winston tucking into his evening plate of vegetables soon. Vegans can be winners!

Posted: 7th, October 2010 | In: Strange But True Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink