
Anorak News | Rupesh Shingadia Is Tiger Woods’ Cigar Dude (Photos)

Rupesh Shingadia Is Tiger Woods’ Cigar Dude (Photos)

by | 9th, October 2010

CIGAR dude, the relaxed man in the anorak, moustache and turban seen watching Ryder Cup loser Tiger Woods smack a ball into a photographer’s lens is Rupesh Shingadia. The moustache is not his. The turban is not his, either. The turban is not even a turban –  it’s fake hair.

Cigar Dude is a a 30-year-old Arsenal fan and investment analyst in the City (he works for Threadneedle Asset Management) who donned the costume as a tribute to Spanish golfer Miguel Angel Jimenez.

Cigar dude is fake. Dreams are crushed…

Tiger Woods’ Women (alleged)


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Posted: 9th, October 2010 | In: Sports Comment | TrackBack | Permalink