
Anorak News | Boris Johnson And David Cameron Are The Most Influential Londoners: Osama bin Laden Beaten

Boris Johnson And David Cameron Are The Most Influential Londoners: Osama bin Laden Beaten

by | 16th, November 2010

THE London Evening Standard’s most influential Londoner is… Osama bin Laden, aka ‘Mad’ Ted, of 34 Jubilee Street, London E1. Sorry, wrong envelope. That one was marked ‘Top Secret’. The actual; winner is… Well, there are two of them: Boris Johnson and David Cameron. Everything Super Cam does is in partnership. He’s actually a twin.

The paper’s 1000 Most Influential Londoners also included the likes of: Nick Candy, Mohamed Al-Fayed, Ian Hislop (one of his editors) and lots more.

The do was held at 360, Millbank Tower. Just days earlier, the place had been besieged with people shouting Tory Scum. See. They are influential…


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Sir Stuart Rose attends the London Evening Standard Celebration of the 1000 Most Influential Londoners event, at Altitude 360, Millbank Tower, Westminster, London.

Posted: 16th, November 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink