
Anorak News | McCann’s Madeleine Book Launches Day Kate Middleton Marries Prince William: Who Blinks First?

McCann’s Madeleine Book Launches Day Kate Middleton Marries Prince William: Who Blinks First?

by | 21st, November 2010

HATS off to Kate And Gerry McCann who will publish their Madeleine McCann book JK Rowling helped them get into print on April 28, 2101 – the same day Kate Middleton and Prince William are due to tie the knot.

Who gets to reschedule?

Spotter: Karen


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(Left to Right), Gerry McCann, Martin Houghton-Brown, Chief Executive Missing People, Kate McCann and Francis Herbert, Secretary General, Missing Children Europe at a Madeleine McCann fundraiser held at the Roof Gardens in London, exactly 1,000 days after their daughter Madeleine McCann went missing.

Posted: 21st, November 2010 | In: Madeleine McCann Comments (28) | TrackBack | Permalink