
Anorak News | Gilbert And George Are True Doctors Of Shit: Gillian McKeith Misses Out

Gilbert And George Are True Doctors Of Shit: Gillian McKeith Misses Out

by | 23rd, November 2010

GILBERT Proesch (left) and George Passmore (right) – aka Gilbert and George – rocked up to the Barbican to accept their honorary doctorates from the University of East London.

We salute their “Naked Shit Pictures”, in which they appear naked alongside giant turds.

Gillian McKeith! Gillian McKeith! Had only you sniffed the shits to music or balanced them on the end of your nose you could have been an actual doctor. If only…


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Posted: 23rd, November 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink