
Anorak News | Wikileaks Beyond Irony: Did The Guardian Get Documents Because It Signed Confidentiality Agreement?

Wikileaks Beyond Irony: Did The Guardian Get Documents Because It Signed Confidentiality Agreement?

by | 29th, November 2010

WIKILEAKS stands for freedom of speech and freedom of information. Well, so it says on the tin. But CNN says it did not get its hands on the US cables, unlike the Guardian, because it “declined to sign a confidentiality agreement with WikiLeaks.”

Did the Guardian sign it? Here’s what Roy Greenslade had to say in the Guardian:

More dispiriting still were leader columns critical of the leaks. The great advocates of press freedom, for ever proclaiming the virtues of public disclosure, seem unable to stomach an outsider doing the job.

Over to 4Chan and the chaps at Reddit to unearth this document and why Wikileaks should be so concerned about privacy..?

Spotter: Cheryl


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A general view of the WikiLeaks press conference at a south London Hotel, where they talked about the Iraq body count, this morning.

Wikileaks: Muammar Gaddafi Uses Botox

Posted: 29th, November 2010 | In: Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink