
Anorak News | Stephen Griffiths: When Three Victims Is Not Enough

Stephen Griffiths: When Three Victims Is Not Enough

by | 24th, December 2010

STEPHEN Griffiths: having told us that the Crossbow Cannibal might have killed 14 women – because three murders is not enough for a voracious tabloid – the Sun leads with news that the man who claims to have eaten bits of his victims is “refusing all drink and food”.

Incidentally, the Sun’s splashy tale of 14 victims was based on Griffiths’ former girlfriend Amanda Judson telling us that he wanted to be more infamous than Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe, who killed 13 women – although he might have killed more.

Yorkshire Ripper – Story File

And Griffiths never killed more than three. We know this because David Wilson, Professor of Criminology at the University of Central England, says:

“I think we can rule that out pretty categorically by applying criminological theory.”

Go on:

“The evidence from within the three cases we definitely know about would suggest his first victim was definitely his first victim because he was disorganised and lacked skill and there was a significant time gap between that victim and who we know as his second victim. That suggests he hadn’t killed before.”

So. The tabloid is wrong. The expert is right. And Griffiths was dangling carrots when he said:

“Peter Sutcliffe came a cropper in Sheffield. So did I, but at least I got out of the city.”

A detective tells the Sheffield Telegraph:

“He made suggestions that he did something in Sheffield. We worked with our colleagues in Sheffield and managed to disprove that he had done something in the city. After a few days we interviewed him again and he admitted it didn’t happen. We are very, very confident he didn’t do anything there. We dealt with it and there was nothing there.”

Anyhow, back to that story on Griffiths refusing to eat and drink.

An insider said: “If nothing is done and he keeps refusing fluids he could be dead by the end of the Christmas period.”

He won’t be. Griffiths has twice survived half-arsed suicide attempts. Still, if it bleeds it leads…


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Posted: 24th, December 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink