
Anorak News | After The Manchester Bomb Exploded This Video Was Taken

After The Manchester Bomb Exploded This Video Was Taken

by | 1st, February 2011

ON June 15, 1996, an IRA bomb went off in Manchester. It went off outside Marks and Spencer on Corporation Street. Hundreds were injured. No-one died. Whoever did got away. Retired police officer Ian Mack, 60, filmed the devastation from a police van.

What makes this video authentic is the lack of commentary and music:

Spotter: Karen


Image 11 of 15

A police issued image taken from a traffic control camera of the actual van containing the bomb parked on Corporation Street in Manchester's city centre on Saturday morning. Police today (Wednesday) issued descriptions of men they wanted to question over the bombing which left 206 people injured and caused widespread devastation in the city. See PA Story POLICE Blast.

Posted: 1st, February 2011 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink