
Anorak News | St Patrick’s Day Photos 2011: World Turns Green With Envy

St Patrick’s Day Photos 2011: World Turns Green With Envy

by | 17th, March 2011

TO celebrate St Patrick’s Day, The Angel of the North in Gateshead has been illuminated with green lights. Other non-Irish monuments turning green with envy that the likes of St George, St Andrew and St David are associated more with moribund nationalism than a piss up are – and this despite the presence of a dragon: The London Eye, Battersea Power Station, Nelson’s Monument in Edinburgh, Table Mountain in South Africa and the Empire State Building in New York. Meanwhile, back in Dublin, there will be parade featuring a giant flying pig. A pink one…


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The annual St Patrick's Day parade takes place in Dublin.

Posted: 17th, March 2011 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink