
Anorak News | Arsenal Beat Manchester United In Photos: Ferguson Does The Van Cutsem

Arsenal Beat Manchester United In Photos: Ferguson Does The Van Cutsem

by | 1st, May 2011

IS Arsenal’s Robin Van Persie any relation to Grace Van Cutsem, she of the balcony anti-kiss shot? Manchester United’s manager saw Aaron Ramsay’s goal slide in to dent his side’s Premier League challenge, yet still found time to do the Van Cutsem. Do they kiss and hug much in public at Arsenal? No. It’s not Chelsea, for Christ’s sake, where the cuddle and snog has become the done thing among the hard men…


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Arsenal's Aaron Ramsey (right) scores his side's first goal of the game

Posted: 1st, May 2011 | In: Sports Comment | TrackBack | Permalink