Osama Bin Laden’s Obituary: Blessed Are The Yogurt Eaters
THE Economist gives Osama bin Laden the obituary of a poet. For a man who loved death, Osama sure took a lot of time hiding:
Somewhere, according to one of his five wives, was a man who loved sunflowers, and eating yogurt with honey; who took his children to the beach, and let them sleep under the stars; who enjoyed the BBC World Service and would go hunting with friends each Friday, sometimes mounted, like the Prophet, on a white horse. He liked the comparison. Yet the best thing in his life, he said, was that his jihads had destroyed the myth of all-conquering superpowers.
Only, they shot him:
… The difference between pure Muslims and Americans, he said, was that Americans loved life, whereas Muslims loved death. Whether or not he resisted when the Crusaders’ special forces arrived, their bullets could only exalt him.
Posted: 6th, May 2011 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink