Christina Hendricks On How Good Lighting Wins Fair Bosoms
CHRISTINA Hendricks goes on the record to tell us that – yes – her breasts are real. With that established, you can now concentrate on the other parts of Hendricks that attracted you to click on the headline and view this story.
“I hope I’m not encouraging [breast augmentation]. If there’s anything to be learned from me it’s that I’m learning to celebrate what I was born with, even though it’s sometimes been inconvenient. Having larger breasts has made it harder for me to shop throughout the years, but I’ve learned to love it. It’s so bizarre that people are constantly asking if my breasts are real or fake. They’re so obviously real that anyone who’s ever seen or touched a breast would know.”
But the best bit of her interview with The Daily Mail’s You Magazine, is on her marriage to Geoffrey Aren:
“I moved to New York as a teenager when I started to model, and there was a restaurant called Il Buco which was filled with gothic-looking chandeliers that had weird apples and flames coming out of them. I’d been trying for years to get the owner, Donna, to sell one particular chandelier to me, but she wouldn’t. Geoffrey and I went there one New Year’s Eve and I happened to point it out to him. Then months later, I came home and every inch of our dining room was filled with flowers. Geoffrey was on one knee, so one part of my brain was registering that he was proposing, but then I looked up and saw the chandelier, so the other part of my brain was going: ‘How the hell is that chandelier in our house?’ He’d commissioned the artist to make Donna a replacement, so she finally relented and sold it to him. I was just crying so much when he proposed. I mean, what can you say about a man like that? He’s just so old-fashioned and kind and dreamy.”
So. That’s how you get to marry and have sex with Christina Hendricks. You just need to offer her good lighting. It was ever the way with actresses…
Posted: 26th, May 2011 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink