
Anorak News | Levi Johnston Took Bristol Palin’s Virginity With A Canvas Condom (Photos)

Levi Johnston Took Bristol Palin’s Virginity With A Canvas Condom (Photos)

by | 18th, June 2011

BRISTOL Palin wants to tell us that she lost her virginity on a camping trip that involved wine coolers, Levi Johnston’s penis and lots of note taking. All he details are in Sarah Palin’s new book Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far, aka I got Knocked Up But My Mom Was Running For VePee To Would-Be President McCain So I Had the Baby And Made Bundles Of Cash From It, Got My Chin Fixed And Then Went On Dancing With The Stars In A Bid To Win The TenaLady Contract And Florida

UsWeekly has read the book – so you don’t have to:

Palin says she woke up alone in her tent, with no recollection as to what happened. Johnston, meanwhile, “talked with his friends on the other side of the canvas.

She only knew she was no longer a virgin because the man was taking “on the other side of the canvas”? Was she wearing a burka? Did it have a big zip and pegs? Is there a hole in it?

When she confronted him about their sexual encounter, Johnston, now 21, told Palin what she wanted to hear: they wouldn’t have sex again until they were married.

He-he. Having had his way with her – hey, she allegedly never said no – Johnston then laughed her into bed.

But, Palin writes, they became intimate again shortly after. When she learned she was pregnant in 2008, Palin was on birth control pills prescribed to treat her cramps; it took eight home pregnancy tests to convince her that she was expecting.

Eight tests? Bristol Plain hears that she no longer a virgin from someone else and then needs to pee on a stick eight times to understand that she is pregnant… And she became a spokesperson for teenage pregnancies, how? Sheesh! Next we’ll be reading thats Sarah Palin is in the running to control thousands of nuclear warheads.

Palin’s parents, to her surprise, were incredibly supportive. They also reminded her to stay focused on the future, particularly her continuing education. Johnston’s reaction was less comforting. “Better be a fucking boy,” he told her.

So says the guy who allegedly shagged her without her knowing. Levi was cheating on Bristol with another woman. He then got another woman pregnant. Yes, dear, it was Levi Johnston you left you with child. Right now millions of young mums who can;’t recalls having had sex with Levi Johnston are nodding their heads. Levi must be hoping he sells lots of his own book,  Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin’s Crosshairs, to pay that child support…


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**FILE** This Sept. 3, 2008 file photo shows Bristol Palin, daughter of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, and her boyfriend Levi Johnston at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn. The engagement is off for Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston, the father of her baby. Johnston told The Associated Press on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 that he and Bristol Palin mutually decided "a while ago" to end their relationship. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast, file)

Posted: 18th, June 2011 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink