Kyron Horman: A Year Of Bad Policing, A Witch Hunt And No News
KYRON Horman is missing. Still missing. The police have yet to establish is a crime befell the child. This is Anorak’s round up of news on the boy who went missing from his Portland, Oregon school on June 4, 2010.
The Story So Far
This weekend marked the one year anniversary of the disappearance of Kyron Horman, the Oregon boy last seen on June 4, 2010. While his parents cling to the hope that he is still alive, police are set to shut down the task force designed to find him. Kyron, who was seven years old when he vanished, was last seen at his school in Portland following a science fair by his step-mother, Terri Horman. She says she watched him walk off to his classroom. However, he never made it to class and no trace of him has been seen since.
Terri Horman has never been charged, although she is clearly the focus of the investigation. Terri and her husband Kaine Horman are now estranged. He filed for divorce following allegations that Terri tried to hire someone to kill him.
It’s been one year since Kyron Horman disappeared from his Portland area school, and his mom says she wants to keep the pressure on his stepmother.
“She [Terri Horman] did something to Kyron that day. She knows exactly what happened that day and what she did to him,” Desiree Young told CBS, speaking of Terri Horman, Kyron’s stepmother.
Terri Horman is now living with her parents, Larry and Carol Moulton, on a quiet neighborhood street in Roseburg.
No one answered the door when a FOX 12 reporter stopped by the home. A sign posted on the front door refers all media questions to lawyer Stephen Houze, but Houze has continued to say he cannot comment on an open case.Jeff Manley, a longtime friend to Larry and Carol Moulton, says he knows Terri Horman’s parents are suffering.
“The people and the neighborhood, mostly people’s sympathies are all for Mr. and Mrs. Moulton,” he said. “They feel very bad for them. They know them — they’re good people.”
Manley said the community feels differently about Terri Horman. While she may have a history in the town, Manely thinks that’s where it ends.
“She’s been around here for a while, but she has her problems and people have forgotten about her, and there are different opinions about that,” said Manley, who lives in the same neighborhood as the Moultons. “But the support system around here is for her parents.”
A lead detective from the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office will continue to work full-time investigating the now yearlong disappearance of Kyron Horman with help from the FBI, state Department of Justice and county prosecutors.
But a formalized task force will disband as of July 1, Sheriff Dan Staton said Thursday. “We’re not going to call it a task force anymore,” Staton said. “If something breaks, then we’ll bring everybody back together.”
“Kyron Unit Will Disband,” Oregonian front page, 6/3/11
I guess this is what we’ve come to, based on all the authorities’ posturing and past insipid comments – 68 four-inch binders of information and 3,500 interviews. Well, who am I to complain? Desiree and Kaine seem to be satisfied with law enforcement’s efforts and the many ‘briefings’ they’ve received.
I know this is petty, but am I the only one who feels that Multnomah County Sheriff Dan Staton projects zero professional competence? And, if he brings his own child into his comments one more time, in an attempt to project empathy, his wife ought to kick his butt right out of the house. He doesn’t look like a Sheriff. He doesn’t talk like a Sheriff. He reminds me of a proctologist I once met. I’m sorry. I don’t want to be cruel. But, for gosh sakes, some of the stuff that has gone on in this case, under his watch, simply defies logical explanation.
You can always tell a bureaucrat. They quantify their work with the amount of paper produced – paper buries lack of results every time. 3,500 interviews, who in the heck were they interviewing? Were they simply stopping people on the street?
After all we’ve heard, after all this time and the vaunted grand jury inquiry, do you mean that they don’t have enough to even indict Terri Horman for anything? Not for perjury? Not for child neglect? Not for anything?
Oregon schools will soon be required to notify parents before the end of the school day when a child is absent.
House Bill 3197 has been approved by the House and Senate and just needs to governor’s signature to become law, which was expected.A Medford-area lawmaker sponsored the bill after Kyron Horman disappeared. The boy, who was 7 at the time, vanished after going to a science fair at his school at 8:45 a.m.
Kyron was last seen at 9 a.m. on June 4, but his family did not learn that he was marked absent from class until he failed to get off the school bus at 3:45 p.m. Police said that likely hurt their search efforts.
Kyron’s grandmother Kris Horman was at the work party on Saturday. She has stayed out of the media spotlight through the entire ordeal, but broke her silence on the one-year anniversary.
“We’re going to believe we’re going to find him and there are a lot of people out there that do,” she said. “It’s that positive energy, that’s what’s going to bring him home.”
Grandma Kris, as she is known, said she is trying to be patient and knows that miracles do happen.
“He’s with us,” she said. “We just need to find him, bring him home.”
Posted: 21st, June 2011 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink