
Anorak News | Manchester United’s Luis Nani Become Luis Nazi As Tony Cascarino Says Arsenal Are ‘Having A Holocaust’

Manchester United’s Luis Nani Become Luis Nazi As Tony Cascarino Says Arsenal Are ‘Having A Holocaust’

by | 28th, August 2011

TONY Cascarino says that Arsenal left back Armand Traore is “having a Holocaust” against Manchester United. This would make Luis Nani more Luis Nazi. While some delight in taking offence at Cascarino’s words (and this is a man who helped write the best footballer’s autobiography Anorak has read – Full Time: the Secret Life of Tony Cascarino is a cracking read) Anorak just enjoys the phrase.

“Having a Holocaust”… It’s  as if a Holocaust is something that can strike at any time. Traore is the victim of one-man genocide. He is the only Armand Traore on the Old Trafford pitch and Nani is threatening to wipe him from the face of the Earth – or at least get him substituted in a Premier League football match.

In the age of victimhood, Traore has hit the heights…




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General view of protestors outside Old Trafford with a banner directed at the Glazer's, owners of Manchester United.

Posted: 28th, August 2011 | In: Sports Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink