
Anorak News | Occupy Wall Street: Where Reporters Get Whacked And NYPD Brag

Occupy Wall Street: Where Reporters Get Whacked And NYPD Brag

by | 6th, October 2011

THE BIG APPLE is not a jolly place at the moment as the Occupy Wall Street protest continues, despite the fact that the NYPD has been shown to be pretty heavy handed throughout.

And things don’t seem to be easing up either.

On Wednesday night, two Fox reporters got beaten up by the cops (stop laughing). While covering the protests, Fox 5 photographer Roy Isen got maced and reporter Dick Brennan got a smack in the stomach by an officer’s baton.

They managed to capture some footage too. Oof!

Not only that, but one NYPD officer was caught on tape bragging about beating protesters, which is a pretty dumb thing to do, seeing as the NYPD is most certainly having one of the worse weeks for PR in some years.

The officer in question can be seen chuckling that his nightstick is going to get a workout on those who make up the Occupy Wall Street protest.

On The Bridge:


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In this Oct. 1, 2011 photo, protesters sit with arms linked on New York's Brooklyn Bridge before police began making arrests during Saturday's march by Occupy Wall Street. Protesters speaking out against corporate greed and other grievances attempted to walk over the bridge from Manhattan, resulting in the arrest of more than 700 during a tense confrontation with police. The majority of those arrested were given citations for disorderly conduct and were released, police said. (AP Photo/Stephanie Keith)

Posted: 6th, October 2011 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink