
Anorak News | Knightsbridge Dog Owner Hired Cab To Pick Up Labrador From Madrid

Knightsbridge Dog Owner Hired Cab To Pick Up Labrador From Madrid

by | 11th, December 2011

WHO is the Knightsbridge pet owner who hired cabbie John Jupp to pick up her labrador from Madrid?

Says Jupp in the Evening Standard:

“She asked if I take dogs in my taxi. As she had previously been a good customer, I said yes. She then asked me to give her a price to pick the dog up and bring it to her house in Knightsbridge, so I asked her for the address. Her reply was truly a moment I will not forget – Madrid.”

Jupp caught the ferry to Santander, drove to Madrid – where he picked up the dog and its “Spanish minder” – and drove to Calais, where the trio spent the night before the trip to London.

Anorak has one word of advice for the dog’s owner: train.


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Posted: 11th, December 2011 | In: Strange But True Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink