
Anorak News | April Jones: service for a missing body

April Jones: service for a missing body

by | 7th, October 2012

APRIL Jones: The five-year-old from Machynlleth has not been found.

Mark Bridger, 46, was charged on Saturday with the child’s abduction and murder, and of perverting the course of justice.

Iwan Jenkins, the district crown prosecutor from the Crown Prosecution Service in Wales, said:

“I now have to advise that, having carried out a detailed review of the evidence gathered so far by Dyfed-Powys Police, my conclusion is that there is sufficient evidence to charge Mark Bridger with the murder of April Jones, and that it is in the public interest to do so. I have also concluded that there is sufficient evidence to charge the defendant with attempting to pervert the course of justice and child abduction.”

Mark Bridger will appear before Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court on Monday.

A service for April Jones has been held at St Peter’s Church, Machynlleth.

Reverend Kathleen Rogers said:

 “We cannot bring little April, our sweet and innocent little girl, home as we had hoped. But our hope has now been moved on to sure and certain hope that she is in the arms of Jesus. Coral and Paul may not be with us this morning but we hold them very close in our hearts as we pray for them. There are hundreds of people today searching our town, our countryside, our river. Many hundreds more have been searching this last week. We thank them and we pray for them as they came to us in our hour of need and they continue to be with us.”

Prayer. What power does it have?

The Bishop of Bangor, Andrew John, said:

“I want to take this opportunity to express…my appreciation for all that has been done to recover April. I want to thank the whole community, you have given compassion a human face. You have touched the hearts of people across the world. You have shown resolve, determination and love beyond any expectation. Light truly is stronger than the darkness. We have seen just how dark that darkness can be when we’re faced with events like this.”

In the Sunday Sun, local news gets to gripos with local story:

Sunderland man helps in search for April Jones


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People searching in fields around Machynlleth, Mid Wales, for missing girl April Jones who was abducted while out playing near her home in the Bryn Y Gog estate in Machynlleth, last night.


Posted: 7th, October 2012 | In: Reviews Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink