
Anorak News | Lily Cole wants London to be like a Wapping stairwell

Lily Cole wants London to be like a Wapping stairwell

by | 28th, February 2013

LILY Cole, the actress and model was talking to OK! about her eco-mission to the Amazon. She did it to highlight the plight of the rainforest. She also did to to find an inner and outer calm:

“Deep in the forest, my mobile phone doesn’t work. It feels great to disconnect. They should make an area of London where you can get no phone service, so people can just disconnect for a while!”

There is, Lily. Wapping. The stairwell at Metropolitan Wharf, between floors 3 and 4. See you there, Lily. Bring yoga mats.

Note: Lily Cole was born in Torquay. She is currently said to be dating the co-founder of Twitter (get it on your mobiles).


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Posted: 28th, February 2013 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink