
Anorak News | Celebrity Big Brother: Danniella Westbrook is ‘incredibly incoherent’

Celebrity Big Brother: Danniella Westbrook is ‘incredibly incoherent’

by | 13th, August 2015

Danniella Westbrook’s Celebrity Big Brother comeback is off. The Sun says a CBB “shrink” (actually the show’s psychologist) talked with the 41-year-old former EastEnders actress and reformed cocaine addict who became known to millions as the “girl with no nose” and decided it would be best to cancel.

But the real shocker is that CBB was prepared to pay the former star £200,000 to be on the telly. We don’t know what the actress was paid to appear on I’m Famous – and Frightened with former TV chef Rustie Lee. ‘Handy’ Andy Kane from Changing Rooms, Jade Goody’s boyfriend and Madge from Neighbours but we’d guess it was shy of £200,000. And surely it was alway a risk to hire Westbrook who quit I’m a Celebrity when she found a rat in her hammock.


Danniella-Westbrook naked sexy


Westbrook’s hopes to rival Katie Price in the hardback bestseller lists are dashed. 

A nameless “source” arrives to tell us what legend Danniella is:

 “The producers were desperate to get Danniella on the show because, let’s face it, she’d make great TV. She was invited to meet them and alarm bells started ringing straight away. She was incredibly incoherent.”

That’s what happens when you work too long on EastEnders. You end up talking in a BBC Cockney patois. Trains of thought are interrupted by massive pauses. You reply to questions by barking ‘Sort it aht!’. You are routinely out-thought and out-acted by a dog.

It’s hard not to feel some sympathy for Danniella. TV careers have been built on less.


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Posted: 13th, August 2015 | In: Celebrities, Reviews, TV & Radio Comment | TrackBack | Permalink