
Anorak News | Pope Ratzinger Challenges Barack Obama To Prayer Contest (Photos)

Pope Ratzinger Challenges Barack Obama To Prayer Contest (Photos)

by | 16th, September 2010

THE Pope is building bridges in the UK. The autocratic, spiritual leader of a pretend country based in Rome and a haven for paedophiles, a place without a decent air force (although here’s hoping we can flog them some armaments) and protected by the Swiss (!) – is here on a State visit. As the Mirror’s Tony Stewart says on the nice Mr Ratzinger, the man who hates gays and condoms and goes about in a demented ice-cream van:

…Benedict [an alias] also meets ordinary people who need his prayers. Soon after Madeleine McCann vanished in Portugal in May 2007, he met her parents Kate and Gerry, and blessed a photo of their missing child.

Well, if you want to find a paedophile, it’s as good a place to start as any.

And isn’t Joe Ratzinger ordinary? Isn’t being spiritual all about being ordinary? But Mr Ratzinger is not ordinary. He likes the power. He not only gets to meet The Queen and be wined and dined on official state business, but he meets little boys and answers their prayers. Can Barack Obama, anotere head of state of that? Will Obama take the challenge?

But the road is not all carpeted. The Pope’s aide, Cardinal Walter Kasper, can’t be here because he’s “ill”. But he sends a message saying Britain is a “Third World Country”. Although, he might be joking – you know how these Germans can be.

Kasper’s own aide, one Monsignor Oliver Lahl, explains:

“All he was saying is that when you arrive in Britain today it is like landing in Islamabad, Mumbai and Kinshasa all at the same time, because there are so many cultures and religions and races from all over the world. He was simply saying that Britain is no longer a mono-cultural country. There was nothing racist or xenophobic in that.”

Is it also like landing in Ireland, USA and France, then, if all colours and races are there? Or does the not-in-the-east-bit-racist 77-year-old German Cardinal only spot the darkies?

But Kasper the friendly Cardinal is ill. And, wisely, he does not put his faith in the hands of all kinds of shades of wrong at the NHS. He remains at home, although he did feel well enough to attend a dinner in his honour at the German embassy in Rome on Wednesday night. It being a matter of spiritual necessity. Says Lahl:

“He just went for a couple of hours. It’s the only appointment he has managed to fulfil all week. He will suffer for it over the next couple of days.”

So long as she doesn’t enjoy the suffering, that’s fine…


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Susan Boyle performs at Bellahouston Park in Glasgow, ahead of an open-air mass by Pope Benedict XVI.

Posted: 16th, September 2010 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink