
Anorak News | Jaws Me Dead: Sharks In The UK’s Flooded Soup

Jaws Me Dead: Sharks In The UK’s Flooded Soup

by | 1st, August 2007

uk-sharks.jpg“SHARK mania grips Britain,” says the Sun’s front-page headline. It’s right, of course. Sharks are big news.
The BBC’s Celebrity Shark Watch premiers tonight – join Lenny Henry in an interactive webchat from the Bournemouth Oceanarium.

A shark creates mayhem in the EastEnders canal and Anthea Turner live decorates a boy’s bedroom in a shark motif.

“DER-DUM DER-DUM,” says the Sun’s headline. Then: “dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum”.

But not so dumb to stay out of the water. The paper has a picture of two girl swimmers frozen with dread as they see a shark yards away.

This is not Tewkesbury or any other of the UK’s underwater towns. All are in the sea off the coast of Devon.

“GET OUT OF THE WATER,” says the Sun’s headline inside the paper. If only Gloucester residents could. But in Devon the girls have a beach. And Joe Miller.

With “Jaws panic engulfing Britain” Joe Miller is “frantic”. He sees the girls in the sea. He sees the fin. He dashes into the water.

Hannah Miller and her sister Freya are removed from harm’s way. Joe is “scrambling” out of the sea. “It will make me think twice about going in the water again,” says Freya.

She and her sister are hugging. The Sun has the picture. Disappointingly, both are not wearing their swimming costumes and thereby offering valuable insight into the scene.

But that is surely to come.

Posted: 1st, August 2007 | In: Tabloids Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink