
Anorak News | Jeremy Edwards Arrested And The Meaning Of Hunk

Jeremy Edwards Arrested And The Meaning Of Hunk

by | 30th, January 2008

jeremy-edwards.jpgGOOD news in the Sun that Jeremy Edwards has been arrested “after being caught with cocaine in an area norotous for dealers and hookers”.

Mr Edwards, who presents Cooking The Books on Five – amateur chefs are encouraged to gril, boil and fry cooking books – was in Barbados when drama hit.

Those au fait with drugs, and whohave seen the Sun’s How To videos, may wonder why Mr Edwards should travel to the Carribean to fetch some of the drug, as is alleged, when the streets of the UK are snowed under with the stuff? Was it part of a follow up to reformed pop star Alex James’ Colombian adventure

The answer to it all comes via the Sun, which says Mr Edwards was on holiday at the time of his arrest. And this brings us to the good news.

Jeremy Edwards is billed as a “TV hunk”. A picture of Edwards shows that “hunk” is now a term that embraces men carrying a bit of timber, dressed in voluminous surf shorts and looking pensive.

The Anorak will spend the remainder of the day being known as The Daily Hunk. Old Mr Anorak, our patron, is delighted and feels 73 again…

Posted: 30th, January 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink