
Anorak News | Lily Allen Snowballs: How They Stare At The British Britney Spears

Lily Allen Snowballs: How They Stare At The British Britney Spears

by | 3rd, February 2009

LILY Allen Watch: Lilly is over exposed, like Britney Spears. Says Lily Allen on GMTV.

“I don’t need publicity. It’s difficult as you want people to appreciate you for your music.”

So says Lily Allen, knicker flasher on GMTV (Glastonbury Music TV).

“People get confused and think you’re a celebrity and that’s quite hard for me.”

People can be such idiots. As if…

“People can be quite cynical.”

Yeah. That too.

Ill take my clothes off and it will be shameless
Cuz everyone knows thats how you get famous

Here’s Lily Allen sledging down Primrose Hill on a road sign. It’s about as low-key as you can get without wearing balaclava indoors.

Lily Allen is sledging in a plastic washing basket.

Lily Allen is on a toboggan.

In the Mirror, Lily Allen “had to be rescued as a snowball fight turned into a vicious brawl”.

Says an onlooker:

“She took it in good spirits at first but it got more relentless. Some people told the gang to stop before people started squaring up to them. As she was going down the hill it kicked off and her bodyguard stepped in.”

Lily Allen gets minders to throw her snowballs? That’s marginally less non-celebrity than ordering them to be engraved.

And what of the fight?

Lily Allen and her buds started an all-out war with the paps in the streets of London today…

Of course, with Lily around everyone’s a pap.

As Peter Paphides puts it:

She’s long since sucked us into a Truman Show of her own making.

And from which there is no escape – not even up a hill in North London…

Posted: 3rd, February 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink