
Anorak News | Stephen Fry: The Heteronormative Patriarchy Of Subject Matter

Stephen Fry: The Heteronormative Patriarchy Of Subject Matter

by | 2nd, November 2010

STEPHEN Fry says something about sex with women – and women writers find something  to write about. They take time out from shagging and catting (female dogging to those of you who, like Fry, are uninvited to the secret female sex cruises) to write about stuff. Laurie Penny sees it a chance to write a report for her university lecturer:

Instead of solidarity in the face of a heteronormative patriarchy that oppresses all of us, there remains a chasm of suspicion and misunderstanding that obstructs genuine solidarity between women and gay men. Fry’s words are a perfect expression of that process of mutual incomprehension, a process whereby our culture has become so alienated from its own sexuality that erotic impulses can never be a point of community, only of difference.

Yes. Whatever you say, luv…

Posted: 2nd, November 2010 | In: Celebrities Comments (6) | TrackBack | Permalink