
Anorak News | Awkward Family Photos Banished With Windows 7 Family Photo (Pictures)

Awkward Family Photos Banished With Windows 7 Family Photo (Pictures)

by | 28th, November 2010

FOLLOWING our news that the taking of photos is banned from a school in Hertfordshire, we spot the TV advert for the Windows 7 Family Photo – to the Cloud – feature.

Here’s the blurb:

Mom wants the perfect family portrait. But some kid (or husband) always messes it up. So… to the Cloud! Where Windows 7 and Windows Live lets her mix and match her family’s best faces until she’s able to piece together a photo she’s proud to share.

Better yet, why not just keep the photo of the pretty blonde nippers that fill the frame in the shop..?

Awkward Family Pets Photos
Santa Clause (Awkward Santa Photos)


Image 23 of 25

Photos spotter

Posted: 28th, November 2010 | In: Key Posts, Technology Comment | TrackBack | Permalink