
Anorak News | Royal Wedding Photos: St Salvator’s Quadrangle Breakfast

Royal Wedding Photos: St Salvator’s Quadrangle Breakfast

by | 29th, April 2011

ROYAL Wedding Photos: The guests mingle at St Salvator’s Quadrangle in St Andrews, Fife, before a celebratory wedding breakfast ahead of the royal wedding.

Thousands of people attended the breakfast in the coastal town where Prince William and Kate Middleton’s romance began. They will decamp to the scene of the first kiss, the first shared scone, the first tearful goodbye, the first tiff, the first bath, theā€¦


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Guests pictured during a Royal wedding breakfast at St Salvator's Quadrangle in St Andrews, Scotland, the town in which Prince William and Kate Middleton met.

Posted: 29th, April 2011 | In: Royal Family Comment | TrackBack | Permalink