
Anorak News | Courtney Stodden’s Breasts Are As Real As Dr Drew’s Medical Ethics

Courtney Stodden’s Breasts Are As Real As Dr Drew’s Medical Ethics

by | 8th, November 2011

PSST! Wanna see a teen bride married to a much older man geting her breasts examined on the telly? Well, read on becauseĀ Courtney Stodden, wife to aged actor Doug Hutchison, has exposed her insides to Dr. Drew. The pripsoe of this exercise in taste? To show the world that Stodden’s boobs her natural. No, that bone is not an implant. Althopgh if bones are being implanted, Dr Drew may like one in his knickers to just how excited he is at his contution to medical science.

Spotter: Buzzfeed



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Posted: 8th, November 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink