
Anorak News | Ed Miliband’s biased knob: papers react to #leadersdebate

Ed Miliband’s biased knob: papers react to #leadersdebate

by | 2nd, April 2015

SO. Who won the Leaders Debate on ITV?

Helping you with the facts are the newspapers:

The Sun: Ed Miliband loses his deposit (fnar) in masturbation pun frenzy:


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The Mirror: Ed wins! Cameron loses! Nigel Farage is blown away!


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The Mail: Nick Clegg is alive and he’s got a knife!

Also: Leanne Wood is Welsh!


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The Indy: Farage wins! And he’s gay!


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The Telegraph: Miliband flops!

It really is all about Ed’s knob.


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The National: Nationalist Nicola wins!

Nicola Sturgeon does housework!


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In conclusion: your favourite won!

Posted: 2nd, April 2015 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink