Politicians Category
Politicans and world leaders making news and in the news, and spouting hot air
The mayor of Kyiv shows how to do a TV interview
In other news, Kyiv Mayor and former boxing champion, Vitale Klitschko, says his people must fight like the Israelis.
“We have to learn from Israel how to defend our country, with every citizen,” he told the Jerusalem Post. “If they love the country, they need to be ready to defend the country. We have a lot to learn from Israel because we need every citizen to defend his home and his future.”
His father’s mother is Jewish. “I am proud to have Jewish blood,” he said. Around 900,000 Ukrainian Jews were murdered in the Shoah.
In 2009, the then Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko gave Roman Shukhevych, an SS officer responsible for the massacre of tens of thousands of Jews, the title of hero of Ukraine.
In 2017, a street named after General Nikolai Vatutin, who liberated Kyiv from the Nazis, was to be named after Shukhevych. The decision was passed by the city council with a majority of 69 out of 120.
In Ukraine, history is never far away…
Posted: 19th, March 2022 | In: News, Politicians | Comment
Zac Goldsmith – look out, another elite posho wants to save the planet
Zac Goldsmith is the UK environment minister. He’s chuffed to bits about the “unprecedented” conservation deal by more than 100 world leaders to halt and reverse deforestation and land degradation by 2030. Sounds good.
“The market has been blind to the value of the environment,” he tells the Guardian. “The [current economic] incentives to deforest are 40 times bigger than the incentives to keep healthy forests, so changing that is difficult.”
It’s about the money, right? People need to eat and live. So trees get felled for farming and mining. Which brings us to Zac and how he got to be Lord Goldsmith and minted.
He’s the son of billionaire businessman and financier James Goldsmith. In 1998, his uncle Edward Goldsmith made him editor of The Ecologist magazine, a position he retained until 2007.
And he’s just the latest extremely wealthy posho to tell us how to live. Why are all these elites so keen to be friends with the Earth? Well, it is where you source diamonds and gold, right.
Prince Charles told the Cop26 climate summit that Earth is in “the last chance saloon” and that “the future of humanity and nature herself are at stake”. We should be on a “war-like footing”, says Charles who employed a man to squeeze his toothpaste. Harry and Meghan take time out from their occasional use of aviation fuel to tell us about the urgent need to be carbon neutral and why having more than two children is wrong. The Queen wants us to cut down and protect the children – no, not from her son’s now-dead former friend Jeffrey Epstein – but from excess. We’re being lectured by the extremely wealthy to behave better by accepting less. If you could harness the power of eye rolling, we’d be carbon neutral by Friday.
Posted: 3rd, November 2021 | In: Key Posts, News, Politicians, Royal Family | Comment
The most batshit insane European Commission video ever
Did you already watch the video above from the European Commission? If not, look on and see if you can guess what it’s for before reaching the end. The European Commission’s role is to instigate and implement the EU’s policies, one of which seem to be create batshit insane adverts.
Posted: 27th, September 2021 | In: Key Posts, Politicians | Comment
After Afghanistan and the War on Terror: US State Department works hard for US State Department
Fox News says the US State Department is blocking private rescue flights from leaving Afghanistan. Well, the government would, no? After all, it makes them look looks as though they’re in control and reinforces the need for bureaucrats. Why would the wonks let private companies do what they cannot?
As for the bigger picture, the War on Terror has been far from successful. If terror is the ability to foment mayhem, then the war achieved it better than the enemy ever could. What 9/11 did was to give the US a job – a mission. In 2002, then US vice president Dick Cheney said the War on Terror was a “single, immediate, global threat that any roomful of experts could agree upon.” His boss, George Bush, would “rid the world of evil”. So off went the US on its mission to Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. Bush said it “begins with al-Qaeda, but it does not end there. [The War on Terror] will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated.”
And then America tired of occupation and proxy wars and went home.
Posted: 7th, September 2021 | In: Key Posts, News, Politicians | Comment
20 years of nailing it Afghanistan – watch four culpable US presidents bullshit the world
The US-led invasion of Afghanistan has been led by the US-led retreat from the country ruled by the Taliban, just as it was when the US went in. It’s been 20 years of waste, thousands of lost lives, many more damaged ones, hope destroyed and the dawning realisation that America is good at one thing: picking a president on the strength of their abilities in marketing. George Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden – you’d not want any of them in your corner in a fight. Now – get your war on!
Posted: 24th, August 2021 | In: Key Posts, News, Politicians | Comment
Matt Hancock hot take – Brexit did it
Matt Hancock has gone. They waited and waited until Covid was under control then defenestrated hapless Hancock from the health ministry. His sex-life made headlines. But his private life is his own affair, literally.
Although one Guardian columnist who writes about mental health and maybe even body-shaming is one of many to have cast judgement on Hancock:
Hancock was not done for because his sexual style evokes suicidal thoughts, but for his failure to observe social distancing rules, the very thing he thrust on the people. Although looking for a hot take, Will Hutton thinks Brexit is to blame:
After five years, the biggest casualties of Brexit are in plain sight. Integrity and decency in public life are crumbling. Because so much of the case for Brexit is false, the political modus operandi of the Brexiters, now dominating our political culture, has become a refusal to accept responsibility for mistakes, overclaiming, deceit and sometimes outright lies to justify the unjustifiable. Once the electorate can no longer trust what they are told, democratic debate is denied. We have been robbed of a core right of citizenship.
Hancock is shagging his aide and old uni chum because of Brexit.
Posted: 28th, June 2021 | In: Key Posts, News, Politicians | Comment
Time to ban wealthy locals from Primrose Hill
“It’s just incredible, though, isn’t it,” says local resident Amy McKeown, who runs a campaign to keep Primrose Hill open. “There they are,” says McKeown, showing the Observer a group of park life, “drinking…coconut water, perfectly quiet and peaceful.” That choice of drink provides you with a clue as to where Primrose Hill is. It’s in north London, which makes it newsworthy.
The story is that people have been using the park at night for wrong things (noise, drugs, drink, being young, fun, mugging) and others who want it used for other things (writing poetry, seducing the au pair and walking the labradoodlecockapoo) want them not to, including Labour Party leader Keir Starmer, whose constituency includes the park. He agrees with Conservative councillors who have been leafleting the area campaigning for gates.
“Closing and gating Primrose Hill is a nuclear and disproportionate solution for a temporary problem that could be managed by more effective policing,” says McKeown. “To suddenly walk out and see a locked gate in front of me was shocking last night,” says another local. “Where else can people go for free to relax with friends? It could not be a healthier place.”
It’s the lockdown in microcosm. The wealthy, with gardens and space, get to chill and work from home. The poorer don’t.
Posted: 24th, May 2021 | In: News, Politicians | Comment
Israel: Leicester deputy police and crime commissioner wants British Jews to condemn Israel
On Twitter, Kirk Master (@KirkMasterLC) has something to say about the fighting in Israel and Gaza. A little background about Kirk from his Twitter profile: “Make the change and change…. Assistant City Mayor/Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner Leicester – Free Palestine.” Here goes:
Both politically and as a community member, I will be working on the following:
•A request for all councils to raise the Palestinian flag over their Town Halls in solidarity with the Palestinian struggles.
•Labour and other political parties to condemn the occupation and killings, and the selling of arms to Israel with letters to the Prime Minister and Keir Starmer UN/EU
•The city and other councils to review Israeli products supporting apartheid regimes via procurement trawls.
• Request a joint statement from the Jewish and Muslim faith leaders of the city to condemn the killings of the innocent and Palestinian people.
•Our communities to show their support by displaying the Palestinian flag everywhere.
• Ask our Faith Council to produce a statement condemning the Israelis occupation and apartheid.
•This is not against our Jewish brothers and sisters whom many stand by our sides. This is against Crimes towards humanity that cannot be ignored.
•And for us ALL to not be silent/silenced. We can all Stand up!
Gaza #Standup #Palestine
Cllr Kirk Master
In other news: apologies from British Jews, both secular and rabbinical, for the fighting and bad behaviour in other foreign countries, like Syria, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and Burma, are welcomed.
Posted: 17th, May 2021 | In: News, Politicians | Comment
Good Morning Britain eats itself: Tony Blair mouthpiece interviews Tony Blair
Having sacked Piers Morgan, Good Morning Britain invited Tony Blair’s old spin doctor Alastair Campbell to replace him. This morning Campbell interviewed Blair. They talked about Labour. And looking on you wondered if all it takes to be on telly and in frontline politics is an ability to act?
In unrelated news, the BBC is running a terrific documentary series on the Iraq War. Blair and Campbell both feature. See it here.
Posted: 12th, May 2021 | In: Key Posts, News, Politicians, TV & Radio | Comment
After Hartlepool one Labour MP wants a return to Jeremy Corbyn’s shredded 2019 manifesto
Labour have lost Hartlepool to the Conservatives in a by-election. Jill Mortimer won the vote. She becomes the first Tory MP for Hartlepool since the constituency was formed in 1974. It has returned a Labour MP in every vote since. On Twitter, Labour MP Richard Burgon wants party leader Keir Starmer to go back to the good old days of Labour under his mate Jeremy Corbyn. He’s the bloke who in 2019 led the party to their worst defeat in 84 years. Burgon has a plan:
Maybe if Labour stopped talking less about Gaza and more about Grimsby, appealed to the woking class and not just the middle-class woke, they might attract more votes?
Posted: 7th, May 2021 | In: News, Politicians | Comment
When The Bidens and the Carters met the result was a truly strange photo
The Carter Center (@CarterCenter) tweets the picture of President Joe Biden and the First Lady with the caption: ‘We’re pleased to share this wonderful photo from the @POTUS and @FLOTUS visit to see the Carters in Plains, Ga.! Thank you President and Mrs. Biden!’
The Carter Center was ‘founded in 1982 by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter & Rosalynn.’ Yes, that is former US leader Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn in a photo that looks like an outtake from Roald Dahl book abut ventriloquists. More strange than wonderful.
Posted: 5th, May 2021 | In: News, Politicians | Comment
The fake ‘John Lewis furniture nightmare’ and Dubya’s plastic turkey
This April you could read Tatler’s story on the fiancée of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, 32-year-old Carrie Symonds, “the most powerful woman in Britain, reportedly shaping her partner’s thoughts on the environment, animal rights and other issues at the front and centre of politics today.” And scatter cushions. Tater’s Anne McElvoy looked at the decor in the couple’s flat above Number 11 Downing Street and noted the “John Lewis furniture nightmare”. They would turn “Theresa May’s John Lewis furniture nightmare into a high-society haven”.
The new lodgers overhauled Theresa May’s “John Lewis furniture nightmare” with a pricey makeover modelled on the work of eco-interior designer Lulu Lytle.
The flat is news because Johnson’s former chief adviser, Dominic Cummings, alleged the Prime Minister once planned to have donors “secretly pay” for the work on his flat. Labour wants the prime minister to reveal the full amount spent and who paid. The Times notes:
The Conservative chairman faces fresh questions about how the refurbishment of Boris Johnson’s flat in Downing Street was funded after leaked emails suggested that a donation to the party was set aside for the project.
Ben Elliot, a nephew of the Duchess of Cornwall who has run the party since Johnson became prime minister in 2019, was told last October that a big donation should be used to fund a redecoration of Johnson’s residence above 11 Downing Street.
But rather than talking about alleged sleaze, greed and a clubby elite running the country, nodding heads at opining about how if John Lewis merchandise is good enough for them and May, it’s damn well good enough for Symonds. But Symonds never called it a “John Lewis nightmare”, a writer did. Never mind the facts. The story is out.
Shadow chancellor Anneliese Dodds: “I think a lot of people would look at what’s taken place here with the Prime Minister’s flat really with incredulity. I have to say I really like John Lewis myself, I don’t really see a big problem with John Lewis.”
Shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth: “We know he [Mr Johnson] wanted to upgrade his flat because he didn’t think John Lewis furniture was good enough. I think John Lewis furniture is pretty good actually, pretty posh stuff.”
The Indy‘s Kate NG just misquotes:

The Indy in “13 of the best reactions to Boris Johnson and Carrie Symond’s ‘John Lewis nightmare’”: “Wait? John Lewis a “nightmare”? We could scarcely believe it either, and neither did these commenters.”

Such are the facts.
Meanwhile, the media is still tucking into George Dubya Bush’s plastic turkey?
Posted: 28th, April 2021 | In: Key Posts, News, Politicians, Tabloids | Comment
Keir Starmer apologies for meeting Christians at Easter

Keir Starmer has apologised for spending part of this Easter weekend visiting a church in Brent, London, run by Christians who think homosexuality is a sin. It can be dangerous to literally demonise homosexuality, the right for people to love. Because gay sex is love. But that’s religion for you: it does so like rules and judgement. The Guardian reported: “Keir Starmer criticised over visit to church where pastor opposed same-sex marriage.” Look out for similar headlines with ‘church’ replaced by any other type of orthodox house of worship. Starmer apologised. He removed the video of his visit. “I apologise for the hurt my visit caused,” said Starmer. By which token, where should he visit – and do garden centres all want him there?
Posted: 6th, April 2021 | In: News, Politicians | Comment
David Lammy: The Englishman’s Englishman on LBC
David Lammy, the shadow justice secretary, is a good listen on his LBC radio phone-in show. The other day a caller named ‘Jean’ took the trouble to tell Lammy that his Afro-Caribbean heritage barred him from being English. Lammy was born in London. He’s as English as they come. Just cock and ear to how measured and polite he is. How very, well, English.
Posted: 30th, March 2021 | In: Politicians, TV & Radio | Comment
Covid: failing EU vows war with US and UK – Ursula von der Leyen ignores German rule breaking
The European Union has been accused of “vaccine nationalism”. It wants to stop vaccines made in the EU zone from leaving for other counties, even if non-EU countries have placed legitimate orders with private companies making the stuff. For the UK, it would mean less of the AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines reaching us.
Ursula von der Leyen, current head of the European Commission (another bureaucrat EU citizens never voted for) says 77 million vaccines were sent from companies operating in the EU to the UK but she is “not aware” of any vaccines coming the other way. That this is mainly because the EU government failed to get its act together and order enough seems to escaped the posh former German defence minister, who also says AstraZeneca must “catch up” on its promised deliveries to the EU before exporting doses elsewhere – even if the EU ordered it much later than other customers – and said it was potentially sub-standard and should not be used, thus causing further delays. Just 14% of the EU population have received the jab, compared with 47% in the UK.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) tested the drug and said it works and is safe. As a result of the EU crass and craven behaviour, EU countries have been reporting hundreds of thousands of unused doses because of a drop in public confidence in the jab.
The big stuff up is because the EU turned a health emergency into a political opportunity, asking all 27 member states to join a scheme giving the EU central responsibility for buying vaccines. They did. And the EU has let them down.
Under the terms of the EU scheme, member states must not to do deals with any vaccine manufacturer with whom the EU already has an agreement. But lest you do not still realise which country runs the EU, Germany signed its own side-deal with Pfizer for 30 million extra doses in September. The European Commission declined to say whether this had broken the terms of the EU scheme.
The EU is fracturing. Hungary and Slovakia have bought Russia’s Sputnik vaccine. Austria and Denmark are working with Israel to produce second-generation vaccines against mutations of the coronavirus.
“The company (AZ)… has to honour the contract it has with member states,” says von der Leyen. She’s lashing out to cover her failures. She should check the order books and see how far down it the EU is. One former president of the European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker, says the EU must end the “stupid vaccine war” with the UK. “This cannot be dealt with in a war atmosphere. We are not in war, and we are not enemies.” He says the row will cause “major reputational damage” to the EU. The UK is out. Other nations will surely agitate to leave the bloc. The war is on. The EU is being hammered.
“I think it is clear that first of all the company has to catch up,” Mrs von der Leyen told a news conference after the virtual leaders summit. “[It] has to honour the contract it has with European member states before it can engage again in exporting vaccines. We want to explain to our European citizens that they [can] get their fair share.” She wants to tell them that the inefficient, sluggish EU did not fail and everything will be ok because they will now queue jump and punish the counties that did act quickly. Nice way to behave. The other part of the EU’s attack on decency is French President Emmanuel Macron. He says: “I support the fact that we must block all exports for as long as some drug companies don’t respect their commitments with Europeans.” What a load of toffee.
AstraZeneca works with suppliers in 15 counties. It says the UK had not received any vaccines or components from the EU – apart from one “tiny” batch from a plant in Leiden, the Netherlands.
The EU is playing games. It can only lose:
The Pfizer jab is mostly made in Puurs in Belgium, and a manufacturing site has also been set up in the German town of Marburg.
The UK has ordered 40 million doses. The company says these deliveries are on track, but did not comment on whether they could be affected by EU export controls.
In Europe, the Moderna vaccine is produced in Switzerland and put into vials in Spain – the UK has ordered 17 million doses.
The Janssen jab is made in the Netherlands – the UK has ordered 30 million doses.
Vaccines may be produced in one place but “filled and finished” – put into vials and prepared for export – in another.
And some components used in making the vaccine may be made at yet another location. For example, the UK company Croda is supplying a component to Pfizer to make its vaccine.
Brexit. Still think it was a bad idea? And will companies making drugs in the protectionist EU now consider setting up in Mexico, Israel, Turkey or Australia, say? And if not, why not? What does the EU offer? Reuters quotes the EU as demanding the UK exports vaccines “as it does”. It doesn’t. Companies operating in the EU zone do in terms dictated by the EU. The EU makes nothing. Given the EU’s weak behaviour, companies would be excused for rethinking their futures in the zone.
Posted: 25th, March 2021 | In: News, Politicians | Comment
Tory snowflake James Wild MP hunts for Union flags at the BBC – satire takes a bow
James Wild is the MP for NW Norfolk. He tweets: “Today @CommonsPAC
scrutinised the BBC on its strategy. As well as asking about licence fee, commercial income, and efficiency, I asked about 🇬🇧 as I cldnt spot any in its 268 page Annual Report – maybe this year’s will.”
Wild likes to see the Union flag in brochures and annual reports. You can judge the quality of a document by the number of flag it contains. A flag enthusiast like Wild is expected to keep a photo of Ken Bailey and a copy of Readers’ Flags beneath under his mattress, turning to them in the small hours when reassurance needs a helping hand.
Posted: 23rd, March 2021 | In: News, Politicians | Comment
Joe Biden Forgets…
Type ‘Joe Biden forgets’ into Google and you get a slew of results. Many of us forget things, especially when under pressure. But when you’re leader of the free world, a sharp mind is useful. Here’s a quick round up of what Joe Biden has forgotten:
Biden Forgets… The Name of His Defense Secretary
Joe Biden Forgets What Year It Is
Joe Biden Forgets What Year It It II (see it here)

Joe Biden Forgets… Donald Trump
We’ve been here before:
Posted: 10th, March 2021 | In: News, Politicians | Comment
The BBC forgets the Jews and identifies Labour leader Anas Sarwar by colour
The BBC’s biography on new Labour leader for Scotland Anas Sarwar (born 14 March 1983) says he’s “the first minority ethnic leader of a major political party in the UK”. He isn’t.

Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, KG, PC, FRS (21 December 1804 – 19 April 1881), was a Conservative Party leader who twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He was an ethnic Jew.
It was not until the Jews Relief Act 1858, also called the Jewish Disabilities Bill, that Jews seeking to become MPs did not have to swear the Christian oath of office. The bill allowed “any Person professing the Jewish Religion, [to] omit the Words ‘and I make this Declaration upon the true Faith of a Christian'”.
Other Jews have led major parties. Michael Howard, Baron Howard of Lympne, CH, PC, QC (born Michael Hecht; 7 July 1941), served as Leader of the Conservative Party and Leader of the Opposition from November 2003 to December 2005.
This is how Labour Party attacked Howard and another Tory MP Oliver Letwin (also Jewish) in 2005 – you might see hints of Fagin and get a load of those Jewish pigs:

And there’s Ed Miliband (born 24 December 1969), Leader of the Labour Party and the Leader of the Opposition between 2010 and 2015. His mum and dad were Polish Jewish immigrants. In April 2018 – irony of ironies – Jeremy Corbyn fanboy Owen Jones called out “antisemitic dog-whistles” aimed at Miliband, which included “smearing his dad as ‘the man who hated Britain’, and harping on about the weird “north London intellectual”.
So well done Anas Sarwar. But you’re not the first.
Update: the BBC has changed the bio. It now says, Mr Sarwar “is the first non-white leader of a major political party in the UK”. Non white? Are all Jews white? Do all whites see Jews are white? Isn’t being Jewish to belong to an ethnic group? Are Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews less white than Ashkenazi Jews? Is the BBC looking at skin colour only when it sees a politician, including one whose father Mohammed Sarwar was the UK’s first Muslim member of parliament?
On ethniticity, the UK Government says:
In England and Wales, there are 18 ethnic groups recommended for use by the government when asking for someone’s ethnicity. These are grouped into 5 ethnic groups, each with an ‘Any other’ option where people can write in their ethnicity using their own words. These groups were used in the 2011 Census of England and Wales.

So which group is the one for Jews? And should all MPs first be identified by their skin colour before a word on their policies is mentioned?
Posted: 28th, February 2021 | In: Key Posts, News, Politicians | Comment
Covid-19 : Armageddon did not begin in Bournemouth
When the fist lockdown was ended, we headed to beaches. But the ‘Covidiots’ never did spread Covid-19 on Bournemouth’s golden sands. SAGE epidemiologist Mark Woolhouse tells the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee that crowded beaches did not lead to a single outbreak last summer.
“Over the summer we were treated to pictures of crowded beaches, and there was an outcry about this, but there were no outbreaks linked to crowded beaches… there has never been a Covid-19 outbreak linked to a beach ever anywhere in the world, to the best of my knowledge.”
What did the papers and say? The Indy and Telegraph were scathing:

One local MP was hot on Covid. Tobias Ellwood new the rules:

As you were.
Posted: 17th, February 2021 | In: Key Posts, News, Politicians | Comment
British politics at its best: Handforth Parish Council meeting goes viral
You are watching a meeting of Handforth Parish Council, in Wilmslow, Cheshire, on Zoom. Jackie Weaver is from the Cheshire Association of Local Councils. The Chairman is Brian Tolver, refuses to recognise the legitimacy of the meeting. He bills himself as the “clerk”.
Ms Weaver says: “The chairman simply declared himself clerk and notified everybody of the case. There is no way of stopping him from calling himself clerk. Please refer to me as Britney Spears from now on.”

Mr Tolver is removed from the meeting and placed in a “virtual waiting room” to the virtual meeting after saying: “You have no authority here Jackie Weaver.”
Councillor Aled Brewerton adds: “Read the standing orders – read them and understand them!” He too is sent to the virtual waiting room.
Stay tuned…
Posted: 5th, February 2021 | In: Key Posts, News, Politicians | Comment
Marjorie Taylor Greene says open carry does not extend to Jews carrying laser beams
Bugger! They know about Operation Lox ‘n’ Loaded. Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has told everyone that a secret Jewish – sorry, Israeli – laser beam fired from space is causing fires in California. The far left and the far right agree: the Jews did it – whatever it is. Plus ca change.
Greene also says, according to NYMag: the QAnon conspiracy theory is “worth listening to”, 9/11 was an inside job, the mass murder at Parkland, Sandy Hook, and Las Vegas were staged and “Zionist supremacists” are promoting Muslim immigration to Europe in a scheme to outbreed white people.
Greene’s post on those laser beams, via NYMag and Media Matters:

Here’s more from the delightful Greene. She’s fearlessly confronting David Hogg, a survivor of the February 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. She claims he is being paid by George Soros (not an Israeli but very possibly a Jew):
Editorialised by a partisan CNN:
Does open carry extend to Jews and their space lasers? And is Greene Jewish? Asking for a friend.
Posted: 29th, January 2021 | In: News, Politicians | Comment
The best Bernie Sanders Joe Biden inauguration meme
Bernie Sanders was at Joe Biden’s inauguration. Dressed in a car coat and mittens, a meme was born. And the best of them was created by Bryce Utting:
Honourable mentions:
Posted: 22nd, January 2021 | In: Gifs, Key Posts, Politicians | Comment
US Senator Ted Cruz thinks Paris isn’t in Texas
US Senator for Texas, Ted Cruz, has noticed President Joe Biden returning the United States to the Paris Climate Agreement. Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the agreement in November 2020. Says Cruz:
“By signing this order, President Biden indicates that he’s more interested in the views of the citizens of Paris than in the jobs of the citizens of Pittsburgh.”
And the Texas Senator isn’t?

Posted: 21st, January 2021 | In: Key Posts, News, Politicians | Comment
Sarah Goodridge’s Beauty Revealed (1828) – a statesman’s naked keepsake
In 1828, American artist Sarah Goodridge (February 5, 1788 – December 28, 1853) gave a miniature portrait of her naked breast to US Statesman and would-be President (he tried and failed three times) Daniel Webster (January 18, 1782 – October 24, 1852).
As Flashbak writes, the miniature is painted in watercolours on a sliver of ivory. It’s wrapped in a blood-red leather case and closed with two clasps.

The author John Updike muses on the picture’s meaning in his 1993 essay The Revealed and the Concealed, verbalising the breasts’ message: “We are yours for the taking, in all our ivory loveliness, with our tenderly stippled nipples.”
An early sext, then?
Via: Flashbak. Sarah Goodridge’s Beauty Revealed is at The Met.
Posted: 17th, January 2021 | In: Politicians, Strange But True | Comment
Elizabeth was not ready for the Trump Revolution
Elizabeth came to Washington DC from Knoxville, Tennessee, to march for Donald Trump. She made it a foot inside the Capital before she says she was maced and forced back outside. Elizabeth is upset. Elizabeth was not ready to the Revolution.
Posted: 8th, January 2021 | In: Key Posts, News, Politicians | Comment