
Benefit cuts

Posts Tagged ‘Benefit cuts’

HM Government’s new opposition – the Mummy Bloggers

So forget Ed Miliband and those Lib Dems traditionalists who never liked the Tories anyhow. HM Government has a new opposition, and it is one that’s capable of scaring Cameron, Osborne and the Tory front bench to death. It is the mummy bloggers.

Cast you mind back before the election and you’ll remember how all the party leaders popped over to Mumsnet for a chat and a debate about their favourite biscuits. Now, threatened with losing their child benefits the mums have fought back.

According to this source – ‘Many of the UK mummy blogger community are stay-at-home mums, perhaps with two or more children, who are taking care of house and kids, or a single parent who is dependent on the additional help from the Government.’ Take away that child benefit and they’ll have a serious hole in their income.

At the forum Mumsnet they are absolutely livid.

All those cosy web chats mean nothing when you have comments like this

Bellbird: “The Conservatives are utterly bizarre to bring in this rule. They used to claim to be pro-choice for mothers. Now we seem to have none. They would like to divide and rule out the [stay at home mums] and the working mums! No, they won’t, will they sisters?

and there are already well over 1000 over comments mostly very negative.

Even the official blog of the British Mummy Bloggers social network rails at the unfairness of it all.

“Its simplistic (rather than means-tested) design creates situations in which two-earner families making £86K a year will keep their benefits while a single earner making more than £44K will lose it.”

So have Cameron and Osborne been handbagged already? Looks like it.

Posted: 6th, October 2010 | In: Politicians | Comments (3)