
Biased BBC Fails With ‘Lying’ Mandeleson

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Biased BBC Fails With ‘Lying’ Mandeleson

BRIAN Appleyard says it’s time to ditch the cosy politcal lobby that means the electorate can be lied to by a poltical leader and a BBC hack does nothing about it. Note:  both are paid for by the taxpayer they are cheating:

Mandelson’s appearance on the Andrew Marr show this morning sustained me in my conviction that editors must now get together and agree to withdraw from the lobby system. Marr could not really lay a glove on Mandelson because he could not break the lobby and everyone at Brown’s press conference – Brown, the hacks – knew he was lying when he said he had not tried to get rid of Darling. In fact, he tried to make him go on Thursday night and Friday morning. The lobby, thanks to the years of New Labour spinning and bullying, is now a conspiracy against the electorate. Destroying it would go some way to purifying politics and political coverage. There are now no arguments for its continued survival.

The BBC will regrow its teeth once New Labour is kicked out at the next election and the Tories the Beeb doesn’t support get in…

Posted: 7th, June 2009 | In: Politicians | Comment